Sunday, December 6, 2009

Too much work...Too little time!!!!

I know I can do anything I put my mind too but this amount of work in such little time is becoming very stressful. Everyday up until Dec. 14, I have an exam in my math his final. On top of that I still have to do my papers for Comp and right now I am in the middle of my paper for Lunn. I have to do everything around my house because it's just me and my father and he works from 12 to 12 everyday....weekends included. So that leaves me to do both of our laundry, the grocery shopping, the cooking and the cleaning. On top of that, I still have to find time out of the day to take my blood sugar, take my shots and other medication and go to my doctor's appointments. I can't wait until December 20th.....I get on that bus and take a wonderful drive down to Atlanta where I can finally relax with no stress from school or doctors. Well at least I know now what to expect for next semester. Always remember God puts the strongest people through the hardest times because he KNOWS they are strong enough to pull through. The people who have it easy are the people who are "WEAK" and he knows some situations they could not survive. I am a STRONG intelligent woman.....which means I have to stop writing and get back to this work. LOL!!! Later guy's and gal's.

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