Thursday, September 10, 2009

My First Blog...Welcome!!!! you can see, is my first blog. In future blogs I will explain the "Through The Eye'z of God'z Soldier" title I have chosen but for now let me continue with "My First Blog...Welcome". I believe this is the easiest assignment a student could have. I'm receiving a grade just for expressing myself. I am completing an assignment just to let people know what kind of thoughts are running through my head. Not only will this help me vent, but this could possibly help me in many other ways. I might include some issues or obstacles I'm facing and hopefully get some feedback from fellow students that can help me cope with these situations. I must warn you now....I may talk about topics and emotions that you may not want to hear, but this is MY blog so I WILL put what I feel on here. So before I continue on to whatever the next topic may be and whenever I do post it....I want to thank you all for reading my first blog and for those of you who will comment on this and future blogs, thank you in advance. Have a VERY blessed day.


  1. A few things:
    First, I'd love to see your poetry and you should consider entering some of your work in our campus wide writing contest.. (One of my students won 3rd place last year) Secondly, this may be easy for you, and I am soooo glad that it is, but it is usally difficult for most. Since this is easy, I am guessing that you love to write? Based on the knowledge that I have that you write poetry, I am guessing -yes! In any case, try to push yourself here. You'll be amazed of what you can come up with that will be a springboard not only for our class discussions but for your poetry.
    I hope you'll enjoy the class!

  2. HUZZAH FOR N00BZ! I love it when everyone says it's their first blog ever because then I laugh. I don't know why, I just do.

  3. I'm Glad that there are passionate people with different and sometimes opposite ideas in this class. We all can benefit from the different perspectives and the free exchange of ideas is what learning is all about.
