Thursday, September 24, 2009

Nazi Guards "Flip Side"

Originally I decided to show "mercy" to these guards, but now it's time to flip the we go!!!!

I'd like to begin by saying every decision we make will greatly impact our lives. You choose the road you want to travel on. These Nazi guards had a choice, and personally choosing the death of others over your own is extremely immoral. Martin Luther King Jr. once quoted, "Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness." These men chose their lives over thousands and thousands of others. Their one life, their one sacrifice could have saved numerous of lives.

Within the article, "Excile or mercy for old Nazi guards?", it was stated that records showed John Kalymon killed at least one Jew. One life taken, deliberately, that is considered MURDER. Along with murder comes consequences and punishment. The article also states Johann Leprich and Iwan Mandycz stood guard while innocent Jews, women, children, Gypsies, Poles and Jehovah's Witnesses were exterminated. One could argue these men were accomplices to murder. They sat back and watched these people being killed while they guarded the area. They guarded the area so no one could escape and no one could come in and save these prisoners. They had just as much to do with the murders as did the Nazis.

Crime against humanity can be described as serious acts on human dignity, murder, extermination and/or torture. As stated in "Crime Against Humanity" through the website, in the Judgement of the International Military Tribunal for the Trial of German major War Criminals, many actions that took place after the beginning of the war did not constitute as war crimes. In fact these actions were considered execution of, or in connection with, the aggressive war and constituted as crimes against humanity. That deserves punishment. These victims and families of the victims deserve justice.

Many of these killings were not considered "war crimes", it was more of hatred and racism. These were guards of labor camps and concentration camps, not guards of war. They were standing guard watching over prisoners and victims....not soldiers. They were part of the Nazi Party. The Nazi Party was more of a political group, an alliance, a coalition and they chose to be a part of that. In war, these Jews and other victims would have been killed...that is not the case here, they were EXTERMINATED. These men chose to participate in the HATE depicted by the Nazi Party. These were not GUARDS OF WAR, they were GUARDS OF THE NAZI PARTY...GUARDS OF HATRED and it is their time to face the consequences. SEND THEM AWAY!!!!

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