As I've posted in the "about me" section....I lost my daughter at birth on September 20th, 2008... since it is going on 1 year Sunday..I decided to make my next post one of the poems I wrote for her...Please feel free to comment.....R.I.P. Sabriyah Nicole Finney (the photo is of her ashes....I had her cremated so she can always be right there with me..I have a picture of me and her when she was born but she had already passed on and people have told me they feel uncomfortable seeing a photo of a deceased newborn child so I will not post that photo)
Emotionally scarred with no one to blame//Day to day dealing with the same pain//I front a smile cuz deep down it will never change//A life taken....my baby girl laid to rest//Never even got to take her first breath//Nor see the sight of mommy//You'll never know the pain deep inside me//But as the stars shine nightly...I know one is her, smiling brightly//Slightly..disappointed cuz my baby girl'z not next to me//But I know her home in Heaven is better than the hood would ever be// and God is a better father than that "so called man" could ever be//Used to say "have my heart broken..never me"// Proved me wrong...I'ma be in pain til the death of me//But that will also be the day God is blessing me// Cuz I'll be reunited wit my lil' mama//And finally keep my promise// To never leave ya side...and every night rock you to sleep with sweet lullabies// Winnie The Pooh Dresses and sweet kisses//Purple barretts and pink ribbons....now that's living//Mommy's coming baby girl...it just might take a minute.......R.I.P
This is not only well done (written) but beautifully moving and touching. I am very sorry for your loss.
Thank you :-)