Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Man oh right now......I feel like I'm going downhill. I have SO much faith in God but times are just getting harder and harder. I'm trying my hardest to stay on top of my game....but it's getting unbearable. On top of ALL this work.....the doctor's are telling me things I DO NOT want to hear. So she tells me my HIV is getting worse at a rapid they've been switching up medicines like crazy which is really having a draining effect on my body and energy. Then the next Doc tells me my blood sugars are out of control right now and I need to check myself into the hospital from my diabetes so they can change up my insulin doses. I'm still working on my license, social security card, and all that other stuff that occurred when my purse was stolen. "LORD PLEASE GIVE ME THE STRENGTH I NEED!!!!" I'm hanging in there....and trying to keep my composure. I pray that I don't have a nervous breakdown during class. On another note, I finished my presentation and rewrote my essay. I've been reading other blogs and I'm glad I am not the only one with a lot on my plate. The students in this class are so focused and determined and Professor K you are doing a great job!!!! Later guys, I gotta finish Lunn's paper.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Elie Wiesel

Elie Wiesel's "Universal Lessons of the Holocaust" showed a lot of knowledge and emotions. I could tell by Wiesel's tone while speaking that this subject really moves him. As he continued to talk, his words and thoughts flowed together so well. You can tell that this is a subject which he knows much about and likes to share his feelings and thoughts about it. Wiesel's story "Night", was very moving. It was detailed and portrayed a variety of emotions. For instance, knowing the father and son stayed together through such a hard time brought comfort to my soul while reading. On the contrary, knowing the father and son were separated from the mother and daughter brought tears to my eyes. The story had a mix of sympathy with some delight. Both the speech and the story was delivered to the audience with a sense of understanding that could possibly give comfort. Elie Wiesel's works are amazing and touching. They involve a lot of emotions and personal background.

FDR Thesis

Franklin D. Roosevelt's speech "The Four Freedoms" was informative to the United States at that time. After reading chapter six and seven of "Writing Analytically", I believe Roosevelt's thesis was to let the American people know that there was a serious threat and to get them ready for war. His thesis was very well evolved. Statements he gave supported his main topic. Roosevelt said within his speech, "Expect physical attack". He continued on to tell the Americans the future and safety of the United States is involved and what they could do to help fight this war. He stated some prominent facts. For instance, Roosevelt says, "As long as the aggressor nations maintain the offensive they, not we, will choose the time and the place and the method of their attack.".
After stating some of the obvious facts that would help Americans understand what to if this war should come and how to better explain it so they comprehend the seriousness of the situation, he goes on to tell about the four freedoms. I would consider these freedoms complicating evidence. These freedoms are something that is looked forward to after the war, after victory. They are not so noticeable when talking about the country being in danger. Roosevelt then explains the freedom of speech and expression, the freedom of everyone being able to worship God in their own way, the freedom of want and the freedom of fear. This gave people more hope and human rights to look forward to. It gave them the sense of what the outcome would be if they won the war. Roosevelt clearly gave evidence and supported his thesis.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


So far, this Comp class has kept my attention and I believe that is essential when you are in school and really trying to get an education. I have learned more than I expected to. Some of the subjects that really caught my attention were the "Power of Words", the presentation by Charlie Meyers and the chapters we have read throughout "Writing Analytically". I feel like I've learned tools that I can apply to everyday life as well as other classes. I've realized once words are spoken, they do begin to live and have their own character. Through both Charlie Meyers and "Writing Analytically", I was taught how to look at pictures and write with more depth. I can now go deeper into the meaning of a movie, a scene, an article or a book and express my opinions or thoughts about it. With the skills I've been taught, I know how to write a paper that can really express myself and grab the readers attention while still making my argument. The most important thing I feel I've learned is how to use evidence from the text or movies to support what I say. I've noticed it is not okay to make assumptions; it is better to have proof. I am looking forward to the presentations because I believe it will explore more on the subject of visual rhetoric which I became interested in as we spoke briefly about it. The class is going great in my perspective. I am constantly learning new and useful information. I can not pinpoint anything I would still want or need to know because everything seems important. I would like to hear and read more from survivors or families of survivors. I'd like to possibly explore some poetry or short stories/articles that refer to World War II because having the skills we have learned, I conclude we can look deeper into the meaning of the work and expressions that are not so transparent. The class in general, I love it. My peers are so attentive and engaged. We all have bright ideas and a different background or lifestyle that helps bring different views into our discussions. You as our teacher make the class very active, inventive and enthusiastic.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Watch Yourself Everywhere!!!!

Last night (Thursday), a female friend and I were leaving the bar that my man DJ's at. After we left the bar, we needed to stop and get gas. I was treating her out that night so she didn't have anything on her but her phone. So when we stopped at the gas station and this young black male held me at gun point and stole my T-mobile MyTouch phone, my purse, all my money, my license, social security card, medicine, insurance card and everything else that is sometimes kept in a purse. I am not mad because I still have my life. (and my car) I just want to inform people that when you always think, "that wouldn't or couldn't happen to me"....YES IT CAN!!! Ladies especially...please watch your surroundings. People need to become more observant. I also want to thank God because my car was strapped (I hope Professor Kristie doesn't know slang that well)...but because he caught me outside my car, I could not retaliate and that was a blessing. I was heated enough to definitely retaliate...but the option was not there. Again, just be aware of your surroundings and as bad as it may sound...TRUST NO ONE!!!! For the record, this incident occured at the Marathon gas station on Warren Ave. and Southfield freeway. It's not the first time I had a gun pulled on me, so this time I wasn't as shaken up but it still makes you grateful that you are still alive. What makes things worse is that is my old neighborhood. That's the area I was born and raised (really Joy Rd and evergreen) but it's still in the same neck of the woods. Please be careful out the economy is going downhill, our surroundings are getting worse, and we are more in danger.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dr. Charlie Meyers

Today's lesson taught by Dr. Charlie Meyers was wonderful. She did a very good job and I really found it to be informative. I found it interesting there are so many simple ways that we can analyze films that we never think about. There are things that we can notice if we look closer and know what kind of things we are looking for. Today I found myself actually thinking more in depth about things I saw on TV. I was taking into account the angle of the camera, the lighting, the expressions on the actors/actresses faces and other small things that I may not have noticed before. I very much appreciate her coming in to talk to us. She is very well educated and her teaching style made it easy to comprehend the information.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


I live my life in trenches, most of the time hiding, trying to survive this war.
I’m hiding from those who are on the opposite side, those who are not like me.
I am surrounded by others fighting the same battle as me.
These trenches…..even in the cold I’m having night sweats and it gets lonely.
Often there are other soldiers who have put up the same fight but their time has come.
Others like me, wearing that same uniform like we are branded, dying all around me.
I wonder….when will “The Bomb” be dropped on me?
“The Bomb” that turns my trench into a grave.
“The Bomb” that turns my 3 letter enemy into those 4 letters that will become victorious when the war is over.
I’m equipped with the most powerful weapons for this battle, a gun I call GOD, bombs I’ve named FAITH and HOPE and a uniform of STRENGTH.
How long will this battle last?
GOD works in mysterious ways, will he find a way to pull me out of this war alive?
Will other countries join me on my side of the battlefield with that “ONE” weapon of mass destruction? That “ONE CURE” that will end it all?
How many more of us will die because of this war? How long must we suffer?
In this war, my enemies are known to grow stronger; they gain strength and advance from 3 letter armies, to 4 letter armies, to 5 letter armies that eventually are awarded one letter “V” for victory. Those armies, my enemies, will be noted in history as HIV (3), AIDS (4), and DEATH (5).
But I will not give up nor give in, for I AM A SOLDIER, GOD’Z SOLDIER….and I will fight my battle until GOD pulls me out of this war.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Any Relation???

As I continue to read further and further into "The Book Thief", I can truly say that in a way I can relate to the book. Many times when I read something, I try to put myself in a characters shoes, whether it is a main character or just a civilian during the time, which helps me comprehend the story better. "The Book Thief" reminds me of my life in MANY ways. For example, Liesel is so close with Hans which is how I am with my father. Although I love my mother (because she did birth me), her mouth and attitude can get out of control sometimes. Then there is the Liesel and Rudy friendship....this is one of my FAVORITE subjects throughout the book. Mainly because my best friend was the boy down the street and we have been best friends since I was 9. Growing up I would think he was "the one" and other times I would think he was just "my best friend". The things that Liesel and Rudy say to each other and how they act together is exactly how my best friend and I were. Then along come Max. But in relation to my life, Max would be more of 'the distraction' or "the temptation". He is kinda like the person you meet that steals your attention. The person you have more in common with and feel more comfortable around. He is the person that makes you wonder "what would happen IF"......the females should know what I'm talking about LOL. Of course there are the hard times, the struggles, the pains, the deaths, the secrets, the concern and the love. I'm sure everyone has some of these in their lives, maybe not in the exact way as portrayed in the book but if you think deeper I think we all can relate to the book in some way. Just a few thoughts, I hope I get some feedback or responses.