Thursday, October 8, 2009


I live my life in trenches, most of the time hiding, trying to survive this war.
I’m hiding from those who are on the opposite side, those who are not like me.
I am surrounded by others fighting the same battle as me.
These trenches…..even in the cold I’m having night sweats and it gets lonely.
Often there are other soldiers who have put up the same fight but their time has come.
Others like me, wearing that same uniform like we are branded, dying all around me.
I wonder….when will “The Bomb” be dropped on me?
“The Bomb” that turns my trench into a grave.
“The Bomb” that turns my 3 letter enemy into those 4 letters that will become victorious when the war is over.
I’m equipped with the most powerful weapons for this battle, a gun I call GOD, bombs I’ve named FAITH and HOPE and a uniform of STRENGTH.
How long will this battle last?
GOD works in mysterious ways, will he find a way to pull me out of this war alive?
Will other countries join me on my side of the battlefield with that “ONE” weapon of mass destruction? That “ONE CURE” that will end it all?
How many more of us will die because of this war? How long must we suffer?
In this war, my enemies are known to grow stronger; they gain strength and advance from 3 letter armies, to 4 letter armies, to 5 letter armies that eventually are awarded one letter “V” for victory. Those armies, my enemies, will be noted in history as HIV (3), AIDS (4), and DEATH (5).
But I will not give up nor give in, for I AM A SOLDIER, GOD’Z SOLDIER….and I will fight my battle until GOD pulls me out of this war.

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