Tuesday, October 20, 2009


So far, this Comp class has kept my attention and I believe that is essential when you are in school and really trying to get an education. I have learned more than I expected to. Some of the subjects that really caught my attention were the "Power of Words", the presentation by Charlie Meyers and the chapters we have read throughout "Writing Analytically". I feel like I've learned tools that I can apply to everyday life as well as other classes. I've realized once words are spoken, they do begin to live and have their own character. Through both Charlie Meyers and "Writing Analytically", I was taught how to look at pictures and write with more depth. I can now go deeper into the meaning of a movie, a scene, an article or a book and express my opinions or thoughts about it. With the skills I've been taught, I know how to write a paper that can really express myself and grab the readers attention while still making my argument. The most important thing I feel I've learned is how to use evidence from the text or movies to support what I say. I've noticed it is not okay to make assumptions; it is better to have proof. I am looking forward to the presentations because I believe it will explore more on the subject of visual rhetoric which I became interested in as we spoke briefly about it. The class is going great in my perspective. I am constantly learning new and useful information. I can not pinpoint anything I would still want or need to know because everything seems important. I would like to hear and read more from survivors or families of survivors. I'd like to possibly explore some poetry or short stories/articles that refer to World War II because having the skills we have learned, I conclude we can look deeper into the meaning of the work and expressions that are not so transparent. The class in general, I love it. My peers are so attentive and engaged. We all have bright ideas and a different background or lifestyle that helps bring different views into our discussions. You as our teacher make the class very active, inventive and enthusiastic.

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