Friday, October 23, 2009

Elie Wiesel

Elie Wiesel's "Universal Lessons of the Holocaust" showed a lot of knowledge and emotions. I could tell by Wiesel's tone while speaking that this subject really moves him. As he continued to talk, his words and thoughts flowed together so well. You can tell that this is a subject which he knows much about and likes to share his feelings and thoughts about it. Wiesel's story "Night", was very moving. It was detailed and portrayed a variety of emotions. For instance, knowing the father and son stayed together through such a hard time brought comfort to my soul while reading. On the contrary, knowing the father and son were separated from the mother and daughter brought tears to my eyes. The story had a mix of sympathy with some delight. Both the speech and the story was delivered to the audience with a sense of understanding that could possibly give comfort. Elie Wiesel's works are amazing and touching. They involve a lot of emotions and personal background.

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