Sunday, December 6, 2009

Too much work...Too little time!!!!

I know I can do anything I put my mind too but this amount of work in such little time is becoming very stressful. Everyday up until Dec. 14, I have an exam in my math his final. On top of that I still have to do my papers for Comp and right now I am in the middle of my paper for Lunn. I have to do everything around my house because it's just me and my father and he works from 12 to 12 everyday....weekends included. So that leaves me to do both of our laundry, the grocery shopping, the cooking and the cleaning. On top of that, I still have to find time out of the day to take my blood sugar, take my shots and other medication and go to my doctor's appointments. I can't wait until December 20th.....I get on that bus and take a wonderful drive down to Atlanta where I can finally relax with no stress from school or doctors. Well at least I know now what to expect for next semester. Always remember God puts the strongest people through the hardest times because he KNOWS they are strong enough to pull through. The people who have it easy are the people who are "WEAK" and he knows some situations they could not survive. I am a STRONG intelligent woman.....which means I have to stop writing and get back to this work. LOL!!! Later guy's and gal's.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Schindler's List

Schindler's List was extremely disturbing. It was, by far, the most depressing film I have seen. The melody throughout the movie helped create a mood of solitude and loneliness. The scenes were very graphic which assisted with understanding the reality and severity within these camps throughout this time period. Watching families be separated and murder after murder, most execution style, my heart felt the pain and sympathy for these individuals. Although these people were being stripped of their families, their property, their dignity and their whole existence, some still found it in their heart and power to smile and be grateful to still be alive. If I had to place myself in a similar predicament, I do not believe I could have mentally and emotionally survived such devastating sights. If I didn't have family at the time, I would have considered performing actions that would result in execution. I would not want to deal with the pain and agony of living in that type of environment. As for Oskar Schindler, I was touched by his concern and warm heart. While most Germans were showing discrimination and hatred toward Jews, Schindler was concerned with families staying together and the children. It was a little difficult to decipher whether Schindler was completely using the Jews to make money or really showing sympathy. The reading also helped me understand that he was saving Jews in retaliation against the Gestapo and SS for the way they mistreated him. There were scenes in the movie that displayed his warmheartedness, such as bringing the woman's mother and father together to work in his factory. Another scene was him watching the young girl in the red coat and later seeing the heartache on his facial expression when her deceased body is rolled by him. The scene when Amon Goeth is randomly shooting Jews vividly portrays how unfair and unpredictable a victim was. Schindler was collaborating with the Nazis openly while secretly undermining them. The end of the film was very interested because I was informed that the ammunition made in Schindler's factory was not used in the war. In fact, Schindler stated he would be concerned if Jews started manufacturing ammunition that did actually fire. I was impressed by the way Schindler found a way to make money and save Jews at the same time while acknowledging what he was doing was wrong.

Monday, November 23, 2009


My family officially fell apart in June of 2004. My mother just up and left my father and I and took my little brother with her. My older sister and two nieces moved to Atlanta GA in 2003 and my oldest brother moved to Alabama in 2004. I am a daddy's girl and always have been so I was fine and dandy with everything in the beginning. My other sister eventually moved to Atlanta in 2005 and my other brother moved to Atlanta in 2006. Knowing my medical situations and knowing that my "clock" is ticking faster than others it's becoming very depressing that my family is not together. Every year the passes the holidays seem to become more depressing to me. I am truly beginning to hate them with a passion. It is just my father and I.....we have NO ONE ELSE. NO OTHER FAMILY HERE!!!! I'm going down to Atlanta this Christmas to be with my little brother, two nieces, oldest sister and mom but half the other family is still not around. I'm going to try to make the best of it. I don't wish for any material things, I just wish I could have the past back!!!! For those who are blessed enough to spend the holidays with family....CHERISH EVERY MOMENT!!!!!! For Thanksgiving my father has to work so I am going to be completely alone.... maybe I'll take myself to the movies lol.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

QW Nov 12,2009 (The Readings)

The White Rose : Long Live Freedom by Jacob Hornberger and The Test Case by Simon Wiesenthal were very inspirational because they expressed opinions with strength. In The White Rose, the college students stood up for what they believed despite the consequences they may have to face. For instance, Sophie Scholl said, "Somebody after all, had to make a start. What we wrote and said is also believed by others". Their actions showed displayed their bravery and determination to notify people of the reality they are too afraid to speak on. They seen a problem and decided to do what they had to in order to make a difference. It took a lot of courage to write the truth about Nazis and pass out these leaflets. Within The Test Case, the students expressed their beliefs stating, "This play is a swindle. Anne frank never lived.". It took boldness to make an accusation like that. I find it enlightening that no matter the situation people can stand up for what they believe in regardless of what others may think. I also found it uplifting that Simon Wiesenthal would go out of his way to prove the story of Anne Frank was authentic. It is so difficult for individuals to express their true beliefs, especially young adults. Seeing that people can stand up to situations that are critical to history and understanding the possible brutal consequences reassures me that in today's society I can have the strength to stand up to what I think is right.

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Start of a New Week!!!!

I thought this week was starting off in a GREAT way. I got all my homework and studying done over the weekend and still found time to watch some great movies. I was completely prepared for my midterm in math. I had money in my pocket and I planned on going to the mall after my midterm. My math class is from 6pm to 8pm. Now....I was dressed cute because it was kind of warm out today...the midterm was SO EASY...I know I passed so that put me in an even better mood. After class I decided to go over to some Chinese food and thought I was going to do some nice shopping. That is when my day came CRASHING DOWN!!! I locked my keys and my coat in the car in the parking lot of Fairlane by the food court soon as I got there. I had to wait hours until my dad could leave work to bring me my spare keys. As you know, the mall closes at 9 so I was sitting in the cold for a little while waiting. I'm glad I'm back home in the warm of my bed with no homework....I pray the Lord blesses me to see another day and I wonder what tomorrow will bring.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Dr. Bolkosky

I was sitting right in front of Dr. Bolkosky during his presentation and I have to say I seriously felt a vibe come from him. It's hard to explain. His tone of voice, his emotions mixed in with his words, everything about it was touching. Professor Kristi was sitting next to me, I don't know if she noticed it but subjects he touched on brought tears to my eye's. For me to cry for a stranger talking about strangers helps express the emotion tied in with our history. Dr. Bolkosky's presentation really hit home and I think most of it had to do with his feelings about it as well as how professional yet personal he made the situations. That was a speech that will be embedded in my memory for a VERY long time. I would like to take this time to say THANK YOU to Dr. Bolkosky and Professor K. If I knew it would be that AMAZING and emotional I would have turned my tape recorder on and caught the whole thing. His presentation has crossed my mind multiple times since Tuesday. When I think back on him talking about certain events, talking about certain interviews and remember his facial expressions and tone of voice, it still brings tears to my eye's.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hard Work Pays Off

Now that most of the hard excessive work is out of the way, I feel pretty relaxed and proud of myself. I know I have the ability to do anything I set my mind to. I have proven that to myself time and time again. When you hand those papers in or take a test you've studied so hard pays off. When you get that grade back and you are pleased with it, you can't help but smile. Then you feel a sense of relief. Although this past week or so has been hectic...I finally get to sit back some and look at my accomplishments. I know that to get what you want in life, you have to strive for it. Sitting back and complaining will not get things accomplished. I put my mind to it and got all my work done....YES!!!!!! In the process I aced a math exam and passed a psychology exam, finished a 6 page essay, my argumentative essay and a 4 page essay. Now it's time for a long bubble bath, a glass of White Zinfandel and a nice movie with my man. In the words of Colin Powell, "There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard-work, and learning from failure."

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Man oh right now......I feel like I'm going downhill. I have SO much faith in God but times are just getting harder and harder. I'm trying my hardest to stay on top of my game....but it's getting unbearable. On top of ALL this work.....the doctor's are telling me things I DO NOT want to hear. So she tells me my HIV is getting worse at a rapid they've been switching up medicines like crazy which is really having a draining effect on my body and energy. Then the next Doc tells me my blood sugars are out of control right now and I need to check myself into the hospital from my diabetes so they can change up my insulin doses. I'm still working on my license, social security card, and all that other stuff that occurred when my purse was stolen. "LORD PLEASE GIVE ME THE STRENGTH I NEED!!!!" I'm hanging in there....and trying to keep my composure. I pray that I don't have a nervous breakdown during class. On another note, I finished my presentation and rewrote my essay. I've been reading other blogs and I'm glad I am not the only one with a lot on my plate. The students in this class are so focused and determined and Professor K you are doing a great job!!!! Later guys, I gotta finish Lunn's paper.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Elie Wiesel

Elie Wiesel's "Universal Lessons of the Holocaust" showed a lot of knowledge and emotions. I could tell by Wiesel's tone while speaking that this subject really moves him. As he continued to talk, his words and thoughts flowed together so well. You can tell that this is a subject which he knows much about and likes to share his feelings and thoughts about it. Wiesel's story "Night", was very moving. It was detailed and portrayed a variety of emotions. For instance, knowing the father and son stayed together through such a hard time brought comfort to my soul while reading. On the contrary, knowing the father and son were separated from the mother and daughter brought tears to my eyes. The story had a mix of sympathy with some delight. Both the speech and the story was delivered to the audience with a sense of understanding that could possibly give comfort. Elie Wiesel's works are amazing and touching. They involve a lot of emotions and personal background.

FDR Thesis

Franklin D. Roosevelt's speech "The Four Freedoms" was informative to the United States at that time. After reading chapter six and seven of "Writing Analytically", I believe Roosevelt's thesis was to let the American people know that there was a serious threat and to get them ready for war. His thesis was very well evolved. Statements he gave supported his main topic. Roosevelt said within his speech, "Expect physical attack". He continued on to tell the Americans the future and safety of the United States is involved and what they could do to help fight this war. He stated some prominent facts. For instance, Roosevelt says, "As long as the aggressor nations maintain the offensive they, not we, will choose the time and the place and the method of their attack.".
After stating some of the obvious facts that would help Americans understand what to if this war should come and how to better explain it so they comprehend the seriousness of the situation, he goes on to tell about the four freedoms. I would consider these freedoms complicating evidence. These freedoms are something that is looked forward to after the war, after victory. They are not so noticeable when talking about the country being in danger. Roosevelt then explains the freedom of speech and expression, the freedom of everyone being able to worship God in their own way, the freedom of want and the freedom of fear. This gave people more hope and human rights to look forward to. It gave them the sense of what the outcome would be if they won the war. Roosevelt clearly gave evidence and supported his thesis.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


So far, this Comp class has kept my attention and I believe that is essential when you are in school and really trying to get an education. I have learned more than I expected to. Some of the subjects that really caught my attention were the "Power of Words", the presentation by Charlie Meyers and the chapters we have read throughout "Writing Analytically". I feel like I've learned tools that I can apply to everyday life as well as other classes. I've realized once words are spoken, they do begin to live and have their own character. Through both Charlie Meyers and "Writing Analytically", I was taught how to look at pictures and write with more depth. I can now go deeper into the meaning of a movie, a scene, an article or a book and express my opinions or thoughts about it. With the skills I've been taught, I know how to write a paper that can really express myself and grab the readers attention while still making my argument. The most important thing I feel I've learned is how to use evidence from the text or movies to support what I say. I've noticed it is not okay to make assumptions; it is better to have proof. I am looking forward to the presentations because I believe it will explore more on the subject of visual rhetoric which I became interested in as we spoke briefly about it. The class is going great in my perspective. I am constantly learning new and useful information. I can not pinpoint anything I would still want or need to know because everything seems important. I would like to hear and read more from survivors or families of survivors. I'd like to possibly explore some poetry or short stories/articles that refer to World War II because having the skills we have learned, I conclude we can look deeper into the meaning of the work and expressions that are not so transparent. The class in general, I love it. My peers are so attentive and engaged. We all have bright ideas and a different background or lifestyle that helps bring different views into our discussions. You as our teacher make the class very active, inventive and enthusiastic.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Watch Yourself Everywhere!!!!

Last night (Thursday), a female friend and I were leaving the bar that my man DJ's at. After we left the bar, we needed to stop and get gas. I was treating her out that night so she didn't have anything on her but her phone. So when we stopped at the gas station and this young black male held me at gun point and stole my T-mobile MyTouch phone, my purse, all my money, my license, social security card, medicine, insurance card and everything else that is sometimes kept in a purse. I am not mad because I still have my life. (and my car) I just want to inform people that when you always think, "that wouldn't or couldn't happen to me"....YES IT CAN!!! Ladies especially...please watch your surroundings. People need to become more observant. I also want to thank God because my car was strapped (I hope Professor Kristie doesn't know slang that well)...but because he caught me outside my car, I could not retaliate and that was a blessing. I was heated enough to definitely retaliate...but the option was not there. Again, just be aware of your surroundings and as bad as it may sound...TRUST NO ONE!!!! For the record, this incident occured at the Marathon gas station on Warren Ave. and Southfield freeway. It's not the first time I had a gun pulled on me, so this time I wasn't as shaken up but it still makes you grateful that you are still alive. What makes things worse is that is my old neighborhood. That's the area I was born and raised (really Joy Rd and evergreen) but it's still in the same neck of the woods. Please be careful out the economy is going downhill, our surroundings are getting worse, and we are more in danger.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dr. Charlie Meyers

Today's lesson taught by Dr. Charlie Meyers was wonderful. She did a very good job and I really found it to be informative. I found it interesting there are so many simple ways that we can analyze films that we never think about. There are things that we can notice if we look closer and know what kind of things we are looking for. Today I found myself actually thinking more in depth about things I saw on TV. I was taking into account the angle of the camera, the lighting, the expressions on the actors/actresses faces and other small things that I may not have noticed before. I very much appreciate her coming in to talk to us. She is very well educated and her teaching style made it easy to comprehend the information.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


I live my life in trenches, most of the time hiding, trying to survive this war.
I’m hiding from those who are on the opposite side, those who are not like me.
I am surrounded by others fighting the same battle as me.
These trenches…..even in the cold I’m having night sweats and it gets lonely.
Often there are other soldiers who have put up the same fight but their time has come.
Others like me, wearing that same uniform like we are branded, dying all around me.
I wonder….when will “The Bomb” be dropped on me?
“The Bomb” that turns my trench into a grave.
“The Bomb” that turns my 3 letter enemy into those 4 letters that will become victorious when the war is over.
I’m equipped with the most powerful weapons for this battle, a gun I call GOD, bombs I’ve named FAITH and HOPE and a uniform of STRENGTH.
How long will this battle last?
GOD works in mysterious ways, will he find a way to pull me out of this war alive?
Will other countries join me on my side of the battlefield with that “ONE” weapon of mass destruction? That “ONE CURE” that will end it all?
How many more of us will die because of this war? How long must we suffer?
In this war, my enemies are known to grow stronger; they gain strength and advance from 3 letter armies, to 4 letter armies, to 5 letter armies that eventually are awarded one letter “V” for victory. Those armies, my enemies, will be noted in history as HIV (3), AIDS (4), and DEATH (5).
But I will not give up nor give in, for I AM A SOLDIER, GOD’Z SOLDIER….and I will fight my battle until GOD pulls me out of this war.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Any Relation???

As I continue to read further and further into "The Book Thief", I can truly say that in a way I can relate to the book. Many times when I read something, I try to put myself in a characters shoes, whether it is a main character or just a civilian during the time, which helps me comprehend the story better. "The Book Thief" reminds me of my life in MANY ways. For example, Liesel is so close with Hans which is how I am with my father. Although I love my mother (because she did birth me), her mouth and attitude can get out of control sometimes. Then there is the Liesel and Rudy friendship....this is one of my FAVORITE subjects throughout the book. Mainly because my best friend was the boy down the street and we have been best friends since I was 9. Growing up I would think he was "the one" and other times I would think he was just "my best friend". The things that Liesel and Rudy say to each other and how they act together is exactly how my best friend and I were. Then along come Max. But in relation to my life, Max would be more of 'the distraction' or "the temptation". He is kinda like the person you meet that steals your attention. The person you have more in common with and feel more comfortable around. He is the person that makes you wonder "what would happen IF"......the females should know what I'm talking about LOL. Of course there are the hard times, the struggles, the pains, the deaths, the secrets, the concern and the love. I'm sure everyone has some of these in their lives, maybe not in the exact way as portrayed in the book but if you think deeper I think we all can relate to the book in some way. Just a few thoughts, I hope I get some feedback or responses.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Chapter 4 Assignment

Passage-Based Focused Freewriting
In the book thief, within the chapter "Liesel's Lecture", Hans is telling Liesel how important it is to keep Max a secret. Liesel is young and might not quite understand how serious the situation is. Can she really keep a secret from her best friend Rudy? With this being such a serious situation I think Liesel will need to vent herself to someone about it. Papa then tells her that if she told anyone about Max that they would be in big trouble and take him and Mama away from her. Was telling her this really good for her? If it were me, that would have made me nervous and scared. I don't think that was such a smart idea especially when things are so rough around Molching. The last thing you need to do is put fear and worry into Liesel's heart. Her knowing this man (Max) can bring so much danger and devastation to the family may give her more reason to tell someone. Liesel is so young and may not fully understand whats going on so I think that is why Hans went on to threaten her about her books. Papa told her that if she told anyone he would burn her every one of her books. Of course, because Liesel is young that hit home to her. I think that is what would have stood out the most to her because her books are so important to her. She loves those books and I'm sure she would not do anything that would result in them being taken from her. At the end of this chapter, Liesel is crying and torn up about the whole conversation and situation. Papa grabbed her and hugged her tight. When they got upstairs to where Mama was, she also grabbed Liesel and started holding her tight. Knowing the kind of person Mama is (mean, violent, not very sympathetic) this went to show how serious the situation was. Mama actually showed sympathy for Liesel. This whole chapter intensified the story because now the danger and the worry is coming into play.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Nazi Guards "Flip Side"

Originally I decided to show "mercy" to these guards, but now it's time to flip the we go!!!!

I'd like to begin by saying every decision we make will greatly impact our lives. You choose the road you want to travel on. These Nazi guards had a choice, and personally choosing the death of others over your own is extremely immoral. Martin Luther King Jr. once quoted, "Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness." These men chose their lives over thousands and thousands of others. Their one life, their one sacrifice could have saved numerous of lives.

Within the article, "Excile or mercy for old Nazi guards?", it was stated that records showed John Kalymon killed at least one Jew. One life taken, deliberately, that is considered MURDER. Along with murder comes consequences and punishment. The article also states Johann Leprich and Iwan Mandycz stood guard while innocent Jews, women, children, Gypsies, Poles and Jehovah's Witnesses were exterminated. One could argue these men were accomplices to murder. They sat back and watched these people being killed while they guarded the area. They guarded the area so no one could escape and no one could come in and save these prisoners. They had just as much to do with the murders as did the Nazis.

Crime against humanity can be described as serious acts on human dignity, murder, extermination and/or torture. As stated in "Crime Against Humanity" through the website, in the Judgement of the International Military Tribunal for the Trial of German major War Criminals, many actions that took place after the beginning of the war did not constitute as war crimes. In fact these actions were considered execution of, or in connection with, the aggressive war and constituted as crimes against humanity. That deserves punishment. These victims and families of the victims deserve justice.

Many of these killings were not considered "war crimes", it was more of hatred and racism. These were guards of labor camps and concentration camps, not guards of war. They were standing guard watching over prisoners and victims....not soldiers. They were part of the Nazi Party. The Nazi Party was more of a political group, an alliance, a coalition and they chose to be a part of that. In war, these Jews and other victims would have been killed...that is not the case here, they were EXTERMINATED. These men chose to participate in the HATE depicted by the Nazi Party. These were not GUARDS OF WAR, they were GUARDS OF THE NAZI PARTY...GUARDS OF HATRED and it is their time to face the consequences. SEND THEM AWAY!!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


I will be lighting my candle....taking a moment of silence at 4:19pm (the time she was born and also pronounced dead). I wasn't going to turn this into a blog for the week but I think it is important that we realize we can lose a loved one at any moment. With that being said, I want you all to think before you say something harsh to someone you love....because you cannot take back words. You may not have the opportunity to tell them you are sorry or you didn't mean it. Tell the people closest to your heart, that you love them...everyday...because you never know when their time is coming. This kinda ties into the "words are powerful" subject because you don't want your conscious eating away at you. It also ties into "The Book Thief" because Death is real....he is out here....doing his job. He is someone who won't get laid off in this time of economic downfall and unemployment rates rising. Take the time out to let people know you love them and you care for them. Let people know that you are sorry for the hurt and pain you may have caused in the past. Those grudges....LET THEM's not worth it. Make-up with family and friends.....because once their gone...they only live on in make those memories worth remembering.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


The Winston Churchill speech I chose was, "War of the Unknown Warriors" (I have posted a link to it at the end of my blog) which he gave on July 14, 1940. The reason I chose this speech is because for me it hit home, so to speak. I've been through a lot of struggles myself. Doctor's have told me things that resulted in me having to prepare myself for a life long battle. Things that would "without a doubt" result in death. I know what it is like to HAVE to fight. have NO CHOICE. What needs to be done....just needs to be done...and that's that. Of course, just as in war, you have more of a chance of survival when you have a helping hand from others. Churchill's words were preparing people for the war. In this speech, Churchill made a few statements that I would like to elaborate on. For starters, within the speech, he said, "Faith is given to us to help and comfort us when we stand in awe before the unfurling scroll of human destiny." I believe this statement reassured individuals that there is hope. Another statement that grasped me attention included, "We are fighting by ourselves alone; but we are not fighting for ourselves alone." This brought encouragement to the mind of those fighting in the war. Knowing that they are fighting for a cause, fighting for the well-being of their families, friends and fellow humans brought some ease to the situation. Throughout the speech, Churchill spoke of not surrendering and defending their land which, for myself, would bring a sense of purpose and encourage perseverance. He stated that survivors of the last war had the strongest desire to attack the enemy- which is understandable. I feel the speech in a whole had great potential to spark patriotism in all individuals that listened to Churchill's speech. One major phrase that stood out to me was when Churchill stated, "and that while we toil through the dark valley we can see the sunlight on the uplands beyond." Those POWERFUL words insinuated that although times were rough and the war would be long and hard, they know there can be a positive outcome. Churchill is looking past the war....noting that the victory is ahead. This victory will bring justice and in Churchill's own words, "the dark curse of Hitler will be lifted from our age." Lastly...the most important part of the speech in my opinion is the last paragraph. This is the description of how the title "War of The Unknown Warriors" came about. Churchill announced that many people will lose their lives. A countless number of them whose names will not be known, whose contributions to the war will not be recorded, whose memories will live on only as "Warriors". These brave people, these heroes, these patrons will be remembered for their faithful service in war. This part of the speech to me was honoring all people, giving remembrance to those whose lives was lost, giving these warriors the respect they earned and deserved, showing praise and glorifying their presence throughout the war.

Monday, September 14, 2009

My Poem for my daughter...R.I.P Baby Girl

As I've posted in the "about me" section....I lost my daughter at birth on September 20th, 2008... since it is going on 1 year Sunday..I decided to make my next post one of the poems I wrote for her...Please feel free to comment.....R.I.P. Sabriyah Nicole Finney (the photo is of her ashes....I had her cremated so she can always be right there with me..I have a picture of me and her when she was born but she had already passed on and people have told me they feel uncomfortable seeing a photo of a deceased newborn child so I will not post that photo)

Emotionally scarred with no one to blame//Day to day dealing with the same pain//I front a smile cuz deep down it will never change//A life baby girl laid to rest//Never even got to take her first breath//Nor see the sight of mommy//You'll never know the pain deep inside me//But as the stars shine nightly...I know one is her, smiling brightly//Slightly..disappointed cuz my baby girl'z not next to me//But I know her home in Heaven is better than the hood would ever be// and God is a better father than that "so called man" could ever be//Used to say "have my heart broken..never me"// Proved me wrong...I'ma be in pain til the death of me//But that will also be the day God is blessing me// Cuz I'll be reunited wit my lil' mama//And finally keep my promise// To never leave ya side...and every night rock you to sleep with sweet lullabies// Winnie The Pooh Dresses and sweet kisses//Purple barretts and pink that's living//Mommy's coming baby just might take a minute.......R.I.P

Thursday, September 10, 2009

My First Blog...Welcome!!!! you can see, is my first blog. In future blogs I will explain the "Through The Eye'z of God'z Soldier" title I have chosen but for now let me continue with "My First Blog...Welcome". I believe this is the easiest assignment a student could have. I'm receiving a grade just for expressing myself. I am completing an assignment just to let people know what kind of thoughts are running through my head. Not only will this help me vent, but this could possibly help me in many other ways. I might include some issues or obstacles I'm facing and hopefully get some feedback from fellow students that can help me cope with these situations. I must warn you now....I may talk about topics and emotions that you may not want to hear, but this is MY blog so I WILL put what I feel on here. So before I continue on to whatever the next topic may be and whenever I do post it....I want to thank you all for reading my first blog and for those of you who will comment on this and future blogs, thank you in advance. Have a VERY blessed day.